Tag Archives: media

“First we build the tools, then they build us” – Marshall Mcluchan

I would like to share a little bit about how social media has taken over the lives of most of civilization.
Modern technology arrived into our lives not that long ago – a few decades. Mobile phones, for example, were invented to help people communicate with each other in an easier way. Sadly, through time, it ended up doing exactly the opposite, as did the computer, the internet and all social media websites created since. Society’s idea of “communication” changed.

It is amazing how many things addiction to social media doesn’t let people realize. Sherry Turkle, professor from MIT, has made some very true points about society’s relationships nowadays in this TED Talks presentation video.

The ironic fact is that, actually, with all of these “communication” devices, we’ve never been so connected, yet we’ve never been so alienated from each other. The sources of communication – phones, computers, internet, Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, etc., are thought to be helping people to socialize, which is true on the one hand. But on the other hand, with it becoming more and more popular, gives the people, who mainly use this type instead of face-to-face,  the idea that this kind of communication is now completely natural and, because of that, they don’t feel the need for live interaction.

“The Innovation of Loneliness” – Very well said.

I thought this was a relevant to the theme video with a very good illustration of the flaws of social media. A motion graphics video I stumbled upon a while ago that made an impact on me and I think It would speak to people. It gives a powerful message, presenting information about the consequences of social media addiction and, as a bonus, combined with beautifully and creatively developed illustrations and graphics.

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